Now here's a special one, the Takara Microchange Series first release of MC-04 Volkswagen in blue, designated Car 03 for this particular release. The second release had the '03' designation dropped. This is of course the pre-Transformers 1983 release of what would become the world famous Autobot "Bumblebee". Not only is this Microman's pre-TF Bumblebee in the first release bigger box, but it's also in blue! This is an extremely rare colour scheme for this mould because it was available in this light blue for Microchange in Japan only, and in a darker blue as a Transformer in Mexico. Both releases are highly sought-after and are rarely seen. Not only that, but for the second release of this Microman MC-04 Volkswagon the blue colour was dropped leaving only red and yellow versions. A fact that is true for the pre-TF Cliffjumper and Bumblejumper as well. Looking at the box front above, you can see the circular blue sticker in the bottom right-hand corner that indicates the colour of the toy inside despite the yellow version being photographed on the box.

The box back shows the other minibots available in the MC-04 range with Car 03 highlighted in red for this release. Brief instructions are also printed on the box back as this package does not come with an instruction sheet. The thumbnails are of the side of the box, top of the box and bottom of the box respectively. These first release MC-04 boxes are of course very different to the much smaller and more colourful second release MC-04 boxes. Here is the first release Blue Volkswagen's box next to the second series Red Mazda Familia (Bumblejumper) box:

A very obvious shift in packaging direction was adopted by Takara for the second releases of the MC-04 minicars. The inner packaging changed as well, the first releases having a styro insert with the toys packaged in robot mode and the second releases having the toys packaged in car mode surrounded by a roll of yellow foam. The second release boxes also did not have a circular sticker on them indicating the colour of the toy inside, that was changed to text on the box instead. The Mazda Familia box pictured above should say "Car 02" but as you can see the numerical designation was dropped for the second releases.

Our first look at this charming little figure comes when you remove the insert from the outer packaging. The styro insert houses the figure in robot mode, and that's all that comes with the package. No paperwork of any description is included. You can see the standard MC chest sticker on the blue Volkswagen above, and his pose and appearance make it look as though he has been in peaceful stasis within the packaging, and that's quite appropriate I guess.

Immediately recogniseable to anyone familiar with G1 Transformers, this mould holds a very special place in the hearts of many a collector. Obviously the blue colour scheme is slightly alien to those unfamiliar with Bumblebee's pre-TF roots, but it grows on you and it grows on you fast. An extremely attractive and compact mould, it is almost surprisingly pretty in this blue colour and definitely something of a miniature marvel.

You can see that the headflap didn't close very well and I didn't force the issue to find out if it could, I just left it as it was. I was understandably reluctant to apply any undue force to a toy as rare as this, especially as it wasn't even mine! Displayability in vehicle mode is slightly affected, but I doubt this issue is uniform across all blue MC-04 Volkswagens.

Still looking fabulous from every angle, there are a few features that must be highlighted. First of all, if you look at the direct head-on picture you will notice a small gap where the two halves of the bonnet/hood/feet meet at the bottom, just above the front bumper. That is not damage to this particular specimen, it is in fact a moulding issue as Ras' MC-04 blue Volkswagen is exactly the same. He did also say when I mentioned the non-closing headplate that quality control issues were apparent with this release.

Looking at the back of the vehicle, the headplate sticker is of course unique to the Microchange release and very much acknowledges the model and origin of the Volkswagen as you can clearly see the German flag depicted on that sticker. That is a motif which was very closely followed by Estrela in Brazil when they produced the Robocar Silver Volks seen here.

A very successful vehicle mode made even more impressive by his subsequent Transformers history, but even as a stand alone MC toy, it is lovely in this mode.

As with the later Hasbro Transformers version of this mould, the MC version's tyres are marked as Dunlops:

That is of course only half the show. What of the robot mode?

Equally as recogniseable in robot mode, this toy thankfully impresses equally in robot mode as well. Good proportions, great contrast of colours, and despite a simple eyebar and mouthplate it is a face with personality. The quality of the joints on this toy were high and there was no inherent looseness, just that headplate issue. The MC sticker across the chest firmly cementing the toy as a non-Transformers item, but at least the Mexican version will have an Autobot symbol on the chest.

As with any Bumblebee, Cliffjumper or Bumblejumper-mould toy, poseability is limited to the arms and headplate angle but that's hardly a feature that detracts from this particular toy's appeal. Anyone who goes after one of these is not going to care about that in the slightest I'm sure. A good example such as this will have lovely chrome on the wheels and tight arm joints making it a very good display item in robot mode. Here's a closer look at the blue robot head:

Very respectable moulding and paint apps on the head, and that same feeling of a slight alien streak running through something very familiar is present here as well, but without the eeriness.

Being a 1983 Japanese release Takara Microchange toy, the copyright stamping is a Takara Japan-in-circle job. If you should happen to come across a blue Bumblebee with no stickers and are not sure if it's the Mexican Transformers version or the MC version, the copyright will clear it up. The Mex TF will have Hasbro stampings and a block over "JAPAN", very different from the MC version's aformentioned circle stamping:

Just before we finish up here, I've taken some photographs of the blue MC Volkswagen with some other associated releases. Here it is alongside the red MC-04 Mazda Familia 1500XG (Red Bumblejumper):

A couple of rather rare, very unusual and extremely handsome pre-TFs who look awesome alongside each other. Notice the similar chest sticker and overall high quality of appearance.

Here's the blue Volkswagen amongst an awesome sea of other Bumblebees from all over the world and from different Transformers subgroups, be it keychains, South American minibots or Hasbro Transformers from G1 and G2:

An immensely symbolic automobile, and an immensely symbolic Transformer. This blue pre-Bumblebee is a vivid reminder of the wonders and treasures of the pre-Transformers universe and I'm sure none of you will forget how weird and awe-inspiring it was when you first saw a Bumblebee in blue, be it via auction, via pictures or even possibly via this article. If it's the latter, then you might still be in awe.

Regrettably, this is an extremely tough piece to track down and find, let alone actually convince the owner to part with it for your own purposes. Lovers of Bumblebee will no doubt hold out and hold out and hold out and search long and hard until the blue MC-04 Volkswagen-shaped hole in their collection is filled, but that's not restricted to this mould. The blue MC-04 pre-Cliffjumper is an equally tricky proposition, if not even moreso. That's to say nothing of the myriad of South American minibot variations available. It's a niche of collecting containing some seriously difficult items, meaning that the life of a minibot completist is rife with frustration. However you don't have to be a minibot collector to fully appreciate this superb toy. I'm not a minibot collector myself, but were I ever to happen across this piece I would treasure it and would find it supremely difficult to let it go.

Immense thanks must go to Colin Pringle (Specimen17) for offering to send me this wonderful gem from his collection along with many more Bumblebees for purposes of comparison and review of his own accord. I applaud his kindness, trust and dedication to furthering the documentation of amazing items such as this which can only be beneficial for the hobby and all the fans. Thank you!

All the best