A few things I should address first. I wasn't going to do this article because I only owned the toy for a few days. It's long gone, and I had it way before I ever got a scanner. It was also the only example of the Bumblejumper mould I ever owned at the time or had seen in the flesh. This review, as a result, will have to be written from memory but the pictures provide quite a powerful memory tool.

As I said in my other Brazilian minicar articles, in Brazil the minicars were released by Estrela. This green Bumblejumper has an almost identical copyright to the Cliffjumpers (Estrela and Brazilian stampings instead of Hasbro/Takara). In the first Robocar line, the Bumblejumper mould was called "Sedan". However this toy is not from the first series, it is from the second 'Optimus vs Malignus' series. The sticker on the green Bumblejumper's chest is the Optimus faction symbol. The Robocar card art was very very similar to the TF card art for those particular mincars it featured. The Optimus vs Malignus repaints however had very unique card art. The poses on those cards were not like the TF poses. The above is why many people believe that the later Brazilian Bumblejumper from the Optimus vs Malignus line will have unique Bumblejumper artwork. This will be awesome to see because when released as a Microchange car, the box just had a pic of the toy on it (or art of just his head) and in the US Transformers line he came on Cliffjumper cards. Finally the fandom get to see Bumblejumper have more of his own art in addition to the Robocar White Sedan artwork. We hope.

Unfortunately, the green Bumblejumper happens to be one of the rarest TFs in existence. The location of very, very few are known. I think maybe just ONE picture of another one had been seen other than the one in this review when I first wrote this article for MFO a few years back. Carded Optimus vs Malignus ones....don't even bother going there. I am sure one will turn up eventually though.

In the Japanese Microchange line, this mould was available in blue, red and yellow. On TF Cliffjumper cards in 1984 he was only available in yellow (or at least, only yellow ones have been seen... possibly... nevermind). In Brazil he was available in blue and white for the Robocar line, and in green and yellow for the Optimus vs Malignus line. The Robocar blue version was a little darker than the light blue Microchange release.

Personally, I've never been a huge fan of the mould. I always felt Cliffjumper and Bumblebee had stronger vehicle and robot modes. I do like this particular version though, but that could just be appreciation of rarity.

From the two above pictures you can see that just like the gold Brazilian Cliffjumper, this Brazilian minicar does not say "Dunlop" on the tires, unlike the mold's Takara and Hasbro predecessors. The sticker on the back of his head is, again, unique to the Brazilian release.

The quality of the Brazilian release, as with Cliffjumper, is lower than that of the toys in The Transformers. Maybe you can see the slightly substandard moulding quality around the head region. The paint on this toy, however, is slightly better applied than on the gold Brazilian Cliffjumper.

For fans of this mould though, I imagine this particular version is quite a treat. And there is absolutely no doubt that the South American repaints of these favourites are popular amongst transfans. The minicars were pretty succesful as Transformers toys and characters, and these South American interpretations are a wonderful addition to the Transformers Universe!

I'm still not sure about the pink and blue Windcharger though...

Anyway, to finish off, here's the last pic I took of the green Bumblejumper before it went on its way. Enjoy!

All the best